Konservative Leistungen

Konservative Leistungen

The stimulation of acupuncture points is probably the oldest and most widespread healing method in the world. Punctures with needles at precisely defined points on the skin can eliminate or alleviate disturbances inside the body.

These acupuncture points are all located on guidelines called meridians. According to ancient Chinese belief, the so-called life energy with its components YIN and YANG circulates in them. These two life-sustaining forces are active in the body simultaneously, but as opposite poles. Their complete balance in the organism represents the ideal state of health. An imbalance leads to illness in the long run.

There are different ways of acting on acupuncture points. If needles are inserted into them, this is called acupuncture, and they can also be stimulated by heat (moxibustion), ultrasound, laser beams, or by pressure with a finger or a pen (acupressure).

If you look at the meridian pathways running over the body on an acupuncture chart, it becomes understandable that points outside the actual pain area can also play a role in the treatment. Often the entire meridian must be stabilized as a functional circuit, not just a small local point, in order to effectively combat an illness.

Some people are frightened at the thought of needles being inserted into their skin. Usually, however, most acupuncturists use very fine needles, so an acupuncture treatment is well tolerated. The slight pain when an acupuncture needle is inserted is comparatively much weaker than that when the doctor gives an injection. Children from about eight years of age can also be treated with acupuncture. Special, particularly thin needles are used for this purpose. For even younger children, the completely painless acupuncture laser is used.

Chirotherapy/manual medicine distinguishes itself from invasive and medicinal medicine by performing diagnostic tests and treatments exclusively with the hands. The aim is to restore the mobility of dysfunctional joints, fascia, muscles and the spine and/or to relieve them.

Bone densitometry, without significant radiation exposure, is a screening method for the detection and control of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is characterized by decreased bone mass with increased brittleness of the bone. The "bank account bone" is created in childhood. Until about the age of 30, the maximum bone mass is built up. After a short period of stability, about 1% of bone mass is normally lost each year.

Thus, the risk of developing osteoporosis depends not only on excessive loss, but also on initial bone mass and other risk factors. Numerous studies found that bone mass determination is the most reliable method in the context of osteoporosis diagnosis and fracture risk assessment.

In recent years, DXA bone densitometry has established itself as the standard in osteoporosis diagnostics. Osteoporosis can be prevented by starting prophylaxis as early as possible (calcium-rich diet, vitamin D, exercise). An already existing osteoporosis can be stopped and even cured by a long-term medical treatment.

In the case of autologous blood plasma therapy with PRP (platelet rich plasma), blood is taken and, after preparation and, if necessary, enrichment with substances, injected back into the body. Autologous blood plasma therapy triggers an immune response, which alleviates and cures various ailments.

We offer PRP therapy with and without hyaluronic acid added to the therapy. Treatment with PRP without hyaluronic acid is used for tendon (insertion) inflammation e.g. tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, patellar tendon, Achilles tendon, rotator cuff.

Treatment with PRP + hyaluronic acid is used for

  • Arthrosis treatment (shoulder arthrosis, hip arthrosis, knee arthrosis, ankle joint, hand/foot joints)
  • Degenerative cartilage and meniscus damage at the knee


For more information, please visit: https://www.regenlab.de/cellularmatrix-bei-kniearthrose/

An optical foot sole pressure measurement is performed with a podometer. This device is used for direct observation and evaluation of the loaded sole of the foot.

Normally, the foot is arched. From the heel to the balls of the toes, it forms an arch. The tendons of the calf muscles are attached to both sides of the foot so that they grip the middle of the foot like a stirrup. They pull the center of the foot up, thus maintaining the arch of the foot. If this arch is missing, it is called a flat foot.

In children, the arch of the foot is often missing because in them the thigh bones are still turned slightly forward in the hip joint. This causes the legs to turn slightly inward, and to prevent tripping over his feet, the child then turns his feet outward again. The arch of the foot lowers, and the foot becomes flat.

This is quite normal, because as the child grows older, the thigh bones in the hip joint turn backwards, causing the feet to turn inwards slightly. The arches of the feet are thus restored.

In rare cases, there are also pathological, usually congenital, flat feet that require treatment. Shoe insoles should only be used when medically necessary. Barefoot walking strengthens the muscles and helps to raise the arch of the foot. In our eyes, superficially only the back malpositions of the bent foot are evaluated and corrected if necessary.

Cartilage protection and reconstruction therapy with hyaluronic acid is the best-known and best-studied conservative form of treatment for osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a progressive destruction of the articular cartilage, which subsequently leads to a remodeling of the bone close to the cartilage and thus disturbs the joint function. Pain with swelling and restricted movement are just examples of the possible resulting complaints. Hyaluronic acid is a central building block of cartilage and serves as a "lubricant" in the joint. Not only does it allow the bones to glide, but its strong water-binding properties also cushion pressure during stress.

Hyaluronic acid injected into the joint by a physician not only improves the gliding properties, but also stimulates the cartilage's own hyaluron production. It also appears to have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, counteracting the progressive process of joint destruction.

Hyaluronic acid treatment can be used not only to treat existing osteoarthritis. Irritation of joints caused by cartilage damage of various causes can also be sustainably improved by the treatment. In principle, hyaluronic acid treatment is suitable for any joint. However, it is used almost exclusively on the knee joint.

Dr. Thomas Wawer, D.O. is a founding member of the DAAO, and is among the first graduates of the Academy in collaboration with PCOM ( Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine).

Osteopathy is a collection of manual procedures for diagnosis and therapy based on the basic principles formulated by A.T. Still (see below). In osteopathy, the self-healing capacity of the organism is supported and stimulated by manual medicine procedures. So-called "soft techniques" are predominantly used.

Impulse techniques, better known as chirotherapy, also originate from osteopathy, but have developed into an independent method. Through osteopathy we achieve an influence on the entire organism by restoring the body's own homeostasis.


Basic principles of osteopathy

  • In human beings there is a dynamic interaction between body, mind and spirit.
  • One characteristic of this dynamic interaction is the body's capacity for self-healing and self-regulation.
  • There are many internal and external influences that can weaken this capacity and in this way promote the development of disease.
  • The musculoskeletal system plays an extremely significant role in this capacity for self-healing and self-regulation in the sense of the integrating factor.


Basic principles for treatment

  • Sound treatment is based on the above four principles of osteopathy and must be "evidence-based".
  • The patient is always the center of treatment.
  • The patient must take primary responsibility for the therapy and his/her health.
  • All healing methods that support self-healing and self-regulation, that try to get to the source of suffering, that include the individuality of the patient, that prevent disease and promote health, are welcomed by osteopathy.


Branches of osteopathy

  • Structural osteopathy (osteopathy of the musculoskeletal system)

The goal here is to improve or eliminate articular, muscular and myofascial dysfunctions, which often occur in concatenations in the body. After an extensive examination, individual techniques or combinations of techniques, such as Counterstrain, Muscle Energy, Myofascial Loosening, Facilitated Positional Release, or Still Techniques are used to bring the body into balance.

  • Visceral Osteopathy

The goal here is to improve the motility and mobility of internal organs that have become dysfunctional primarily due to trauma or secondarily after the body has failed to compensate adequately. Visceral techniques are used to resolve these impairments. Connecting pathways between internal organs and the musculoskeletal system (viscero-somatic reflex pathways) can also be used to influence diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

  • Craniosacral Osteopathy

The goal here is normalization of the craniosacral system, which is one of the important regulatory systems in the body. Impaired motility of the central nervous system plays a major role in many pain syndromes. After a precise examination of the skull and sacrum, craniosacral rhythm (cranial rhythmic impulse, CRI) is strengthened and improved by applying craniosacral techniques. This leads to an improvement of the whole organism.

In our MVZ we offer electrotherapy as well as extensions (stretching treatments) from the field of physical therapy.


Extensions (stretching treatments)

Precisely controlled traction treatment with simultaneous application of microwave heat is used to loosen tension in the cervical or lumbar spine. The goals are to mobilize joints, release joint blockages, and loosen tense muscles in the cervical or lumbar spine. Complaints in the lumbar and cervical spine are among the most common painful orthopedic conditions, caused by blockages and wear-related changes in the small vertebral joints of the cervical and lumbar spine. Stretching treatments are a non-invasive, non-invasive therapy that can often effectively address pain.



Electrotherapy encompasses all treatment procedures in which electrical energy is used therapeutically. Galvanic currents provide pain relief through the movement of electrically charged particles (positive and negative ions) and can aid healing by promoting blood flow and increasing metabolism in tissue with blood supply. The most important physiological effect is the increase in blood flow: up to 600% increase in blood flow in the skin and superficial muscle layers, up to 300% in deeper tissue layers. Constant direct current increases the ability of motor nerves to react and function. Defense and anti-inflammatory processes are stimulated. Good resorption increase - existing hematomas (bruises) are broken down more quickly. Muscles with weak performance can be brought under tension again, lighter flaccid paralysis can be reintegrated into movement situations of everyday life with electrotherapy. The application can be in the form of plate electrodes or iontophoresis.

Kinesio taping, also called medical taping, was developed by chiropractor and kinesiologist Kenzo Kase in Japan in the early 70s of the last century.

A particularly important addressee of the method are the muscles and joints. In contrast to conventional, non-stretch tapes, the basic principle of supportive activation and not that of fixation/immobilization is put in the foreground here.

The material used is latex-free, non-allergenic. Tapes can be worn for several days to weeks, the stretchability is comparable to that of the skin. The tapes are water resistant, so you can shower with them.

The method of kinesiotaping is now established worldwide in sports/high performance sports. The used colors of the tape bands are eye-catching, but not important regarding their effect.

Indications for treatment with PMT: Pain in the musculoskeletal system

Pain in the joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles and spine - one in three adults in Germany will consult a doctor about this at some point in their lives. Triggers include wear and tear diseases of joints (osteoarthritis) and the spine, as well as inflammatory diseases and overuse phenomena. Degenerative and inflammatory diseases of joints and spine are in most cases not permanently curable. The course of the disease can be positively influenced with Pulsating Magnetic Field Therapy (PMT).

The goal is to relieve pain, improve movement restrictions and also stimulate the body's own regeneration, also to slow down degradation processes in the joint. Whether in sports or in everyday life, thousands of people suffer injuries to tendons, ligaments or joints every year. Long-lasting discomfort and downtime at work and in sports, as well as "sports damage" are the result. As a rule, it takes several weeks and months for sports and accident injuries to heal. But here, too, the course of the disease can be positively influenced. The body can be supported by a targeted activation of "repair mechanisms" with PMT.


This is how Pulsating Magnetic Field Therapy works

In a healthy joint, for example, certain electrical currents are partly responsible for the reconstruction of body tissue and thus for maintaining the functional capacity of the cartilage. Due to injuries on the one hand and degenerative changes of tendons, ligaments and fibrocartilage on the other hand, this process is permanently disturbed. With PMT, a procedure has been developed with which these specific electrical currents can be restored. The inventor of PMT, which is protected by a European patent, is the German-American physician and biophysicist Dr. Dr. Richard Markoll.

The aim of PMT is to alleviate pain, improve movement restrictions and also to stimulate the body's own regeneration.

In PMT, signals with a very specific biological pattern are transmitted to the diseased joint. This happens in changing strength, changing frequency and changing duration (pulsating). In this way, the signals generate so-called flowing potentials in the space between the cells and supply the cells again with the original information they need to be able to work in the right way. The function of the cells is restarted, regeneration and reparation can begin.


This is how PMT is applied

After a thorough examination, the treatment with PMT takes place in ten - in exceptional cases twelve-30-60 minute treatments on consecutive days, if possible.

PMT is performed with original PMT therapy equipment by trained personnel.

The patient sits or lies relaxed, while the body region to be treated is comfortably positioned in an air coil. For 30-60 minutes, pulsating magnetic signals, whose intensity and frequency change according to a precise biological pattern, are sent to the diseased tissue.

PMT Pulsating Magnetic Field Therapy is painless. There is no surgical intervention. The signals ("the information") move at low frequency, in a low-energy range. Side effects are not known.


Stimulation of the body's own regeneration

PMT Pulsating Magnetic Field Therapy is intended to reactivate the body's own natural processes. On the first day of treatment, a noticeable effect on pain cannot be expected immediately. It takes a few days for the organism to react and for relief to occur. The treatment aims for the healing effect to begin at the end of the treatment and reach its peak after six to eight weeks.


Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

With PMT Pulsating Magnetic Field Therapy, many ailments of the joints, spine, tendons and ligaments can be treated without pain or intervention. The goal of the treatment is a fast, lasting relief of pain, an improvement of resilience and mobility as well as a stimulation of the body's own regeneration.


PMT can be used for the following complaints

  • Knees: Degenerative and inflammatory joint diseases (osteoarthritis, arthritis), overuse syndromes, patellar changes, meniscus complaints).
  • Hips: Degenerative changes, osteoarthritis, painful tendon insertions, bursa irritation at the large rolling malleolus
  • Spine: Wear and tear of the entire spine, vertebral joints and discs, lumbago, sciatica, muscle tension, post-injury conditions
  • Neck and throat: Wear and tear, whiplash and muscle tension.
  • Shoulder, elbow, hand: degenerative and inflammatory joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis), shoulder complaints, e.g. pain in tendons and muscle attachments, calcified shoulder, thrower's shoulder
  • Tendon insertion complaints, e.g. tennis elbow, golfer's elbow
  • Tendonitis
  • Foot and ankle joints: Achilles tendon irritation, heel spur, plantar fasciitis, splayfoot complaints

Rheumatology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of painful, inflammatory processes of the joints and soft tissues. The main symptoms are often swollen joints of various localizations. However, the disease can also be localized in the internal organs (heart, thyroid, intestines, kidneys, lungs, etc.) and the skin. The best known is the so-called rheumatoid arthritis, also called chronic polyarthritis.

Rheumatic diseases require an exact diagnosis and therapy in order to avoid possible late consequences, such as joint destruction. Sometimes very expensive and strong drugs have to be used, sometimes supplemented by surgical procedures, on the one hand to prevent or slow down destructions, on the other hand to eliminate malpositions, to replace destroyed joints or to stiffen them.

Complementary therapies such as vitamin combinations, natural preparations, nutritional counseling, psychotherapy, acupuncture and exercise therapy in a broader sense also play a major role.

Our doctors look back on their own experience in competitive sports. We deal with both prophylaxis and therapy of various sport-specific injuries. We offer fitness examinations, guidance on the type of sport and sports equipment, e.g. running shoe advice.

The treatment spectrum covers a wide conservative and surgical range. Close links to suitable therapy and rehabilitation centers ensure the success of treatment.

The focused, high-energy extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) used in our MVZ offers a very well-established option for the causal treatment of pain of the musculoskeletal system and of sports medicine clinical pictures.

We have been performing shock wave therapy in connection with clinical pictures in the orthopedic field with great success since 1997, initially still with the first approved devices from the development of stone disintegration. In the meantime, several modern classes of equipment have been developed with the various scientific societies and used by us therapeutically.

The DIGEST (German-speaking International Society for Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy) recommends the use of surgery-replacing shockwave treatment after frustrated conservative treatments for the following indications

  • Calcareous shoulder

"Calcified shoulder" is a chronic inflammation of a shoulder tendon attachment/tendon with local metabolic disturbance and formation of a calcium deposit. This can cause shoulder pain and lead to restricted movement. The cause is usually overuse such as excessive exercise after a long period of rest. However, trauma can also cause calcific shoulder.

  • Tennis Elbow

Constant overuse and microtrauma leading to tears in extensor tendons near the elbow cause inflammatory or degenerative changes. Tennis elbow is palpated, supported diagnostically by sonography if necessary.

  • Fasciitis plantaris

The tendon inflammation known as "heel spur" is usually the result of overuse. X-ray diagnostics do not always allow a clear diagnosis and localization; this is done more reliably by means of manual diagnostics. Heel spur inflammation is the first indication approved by the FDA in the USA for treatment with focused shock wave therapy. The OssaTron was approved in 2000 after many years of double-blind, placebo-controlled studies with significantly good results. The typical "spur" usually emerges unchanged from the therapy. It is not the goal of shock wave treatment to remove it.

  • Achilles tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is often the result of overuse of the Achilles tendon and affects athletes in particular.

Painful as well as altered areas are found along the tendon and can be reliably localized and visualized using ultrasound. As a rule, a significant reduction in symptoms is observed just a few days after treatment, and training can be resumed. However, since heavy jumping and impact loads should be avoided, care should be taken to build up training carefully under medical supervision.

  • Patellar tendinitis

Inflammation of the origin of the patellar tendon is the frequent result of overuse of this area and occurs more frequently in jump-intensive sports. Shock wave treatment is a promising option for treating this condition.

Note for patients with statutory and private health insurance

We treat both patients with statutory and private health insurance. However, some services are not covered by statutory health insurance. We will advise you individually and inform you about any costs incurred.